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Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Busy Barbies

Hello lovelies, we just want you to know that things at The Book Barbies will be slowing down for a while. Both of us put some crazy time into both blogging and reading but right now, that's impractical for the both of us because we're getting choked, swamped and murdered by school. The cool thing about having a co-blogger is that there is always someone to post or have your back but since both of us are busy right now, posts will not be as frequent as they usually are and neither of us want to feel guilty for making the blog the second priority.

We will still be posting every week, this is NOT a hiatus but we just want you to understand why you will be seeing less of us in the upcoming few weeks.
I finish school on May 31st but I'm taking 2 online classes (English & pre-calc both semester 1) which will determine whether I graduate high school early or not. Now let me tell you, if I do not *hopefully* graduate high school in December of 2012, I might just go into a depression and I'm 10000000% serious.
I. W.A.N.T. T.O. G.E.T. O.U.T. O.F. H.I.G.H. S.C.H.O.O.L!!!!!!!! 
So I desperately want to finish these 2 classes by May 31st so I can start the second semester of the classes and on top of that I'm taking the SAT on June 2nd so I have some serious studying to do for that also.
I really really really REALLY wish I had an awesome reason as Racquel's (graduating six months earlier.. LUCKY BITCH<3), but sadly, I don't... I still have another three years of school to go, which means another three years of exams! [Racquel's comment: I took my last HS exams in December of 2011, YEAH BUDDY! I don't have to take exams at the end of the year because I'm exempt & this upcoming December, I will have senior exemptions also, be jealous!!] yaaaaaay. But know this is my first year of exams, so I. Am. Freaking. Out. Not to mention, I, like Racquel, am a master of procrastination. YouTube, Tumblr, Twitter.... agggghhh tell them to leave me alone D':!!!

And because of me and my horrible procrastination.. I've been putting off this really big project that I've had almost three months to do now.. and leaving it to do it all in the last two weeks. So yeah, go me. I wish I had a better reason, but I am just a lazy person who cannot get enough of British vloggers.

p.s. Did you know most my friends, including myself, have birthdays in May? Do you know what that also means? PLANNING SURPRISE PARTIES YEAAH<3

So you can see we are busy with school *cough and PARTIES cough* I hope you understand!

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